St. Paul the Apostle is a stewardship parish. If you so request, we will provide you with numbered offertory envelopes which we ask that you use whenever making your offertory donation to the parish. Annually we write to each registered family and offer you several options: weekly envelopes or monthly, quarterly or annual pledge options.
We are open to whatever pattern of giving fits your needs and will be happy to remind you according to your wishes.Guidelines for Giving |
Household Income | Amount of Weekly Gift | ||||||
Annually | 2% | 3% | 4% | 5% | 6% | 8% | 10% Tithe |
$10,000 | $4 | $6 | $8 | $10 | $12 | $15 | $19 |
$30,000 | $12 | $17 | $23 | $29 | $35 | $46 | $58 |
$50,000 | $19 | $29 | $38 | $48 | $58 | $77 | $96 |
$70,000 | $27 | $40 | $54 | $67 | $81 | $108 | $135 |
$100,000 | $38 | $58 | $77 | $96 | $115 | $154 | $192 |
$150,000 | $58 | $87 | $115 | $144 | $173 | $231 | $288 |
$200,000 | $77 | $115 | $154 | $192 | $231 | $308 | $385 |
Offertory Options:
With your support, St. Paul Church is able to extend the message of the Gospel and its programs to the community. Let us joyfully return a portion of our gifts to the Lord! Our Parishioners offer their Stewardship in a planned and thoughtful manner. Would you prefer?:
Whichever means of giving you choose, please know that the faithful offertory supporter is the backbone of our parish community and means the difference between mediocre programming and the outstanding selection we, at St. Pauls provide.
Another excellent means of supporting the parish is through online giving. Through our online giving program, you are able to set up recurring donations to the parish, without having to write checks or mail your offerings. You may set up the automatic offertory giving schedule that is most convenient for you and works best with your household budget. You are also notified whenever a scheduled payment is to occur. If you are interested in learning more about online giving, click the Online Giving button or click here.
As disciples and as parishioners, we are called to give generously of our time, talent and our treasure. Thank you, as always for your continuing support for St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church. Thanks to you, we are a most vibrant and dynamic faith community that serves the local community both spiritually and materially.