Mass Intentions for the month of December, 2024 are completely full. There are NO Mass Intentions available at this time.
The months of January and February, 2025 will open on Monday, December 9th.
The Scheduling of Mass Intention requests have returned to in-person only. Mailed, dropped-off or online requests will not be honored. Thank you for your cooperation.
As with most parishes, here at St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church, there are many Mass intentions that are requested for specific dates and/or times. Currently, a Mass intention that is requested for a specific date is noted in the parish bulletin and at the Mass for which it is intended.
Mass Intentions will not be rescheduled if a verbal announcement was not heard during Mass. Even though the intention was not verbally announced, know that the Mass has been offered for that particular intention. The intention is a spiritual act and its verbal publication neither adds nor subtrats from its validity.