We strive to be a stewardship community. All of us: members, frequent guests and visitors, are asked to contribute of their time, talent and treasure to support the many ministries offered at St. Paul the Apostle.
Giving of ourselves to the mission of the Gospel is a real and concrete part of our discipleship to Christ. Part of this means supporting our church community with your time, talents and treasure.
When we pass the basket during the liturgy, it is a symbolic action that speaks of our total dedication to God and offering ourselves as “a living sacrifice,” as St. Paul says.
We encourage our members and guests to pray about and consider the many ministries that are offered at St. Paul the Apostle. We try our best to celebrate the liturgy and devotions of the Church with reverence, beauty and dignity.
We spread the Gospel through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, sacramental preparation and the Religious Education programs.
After prayer and reflection we ask that everyone decide for themselves the amount of sacrificial giving that they can offer, and then commit to that offering each week or each month.
To learn more about stewardship we have provide an excellent video... see for yourself.
A will is a very important document that conveys a person’s last wishes and expresses their intentions to distribute their possessions to loved ones and special charitable institutions.
Your support to our many ministries offered at St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church is crucial. Bequests enable us to minister to the spiritual and physical needs of those who come to us.
For further information on how you can remember St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Catholic Church in your will, please contact our office.